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Integrated Marketing

Creating an Agency Reporting Platform

Creating an Agency Reporting Platform

Delighting clients. It’s been my number-one priority and I'm always on the lookout for the latest, greatest tools that help accomplish that goal.

Of course, an important piece of the puzzle is effectively communicating the results of the team's efforts...

QR Codes - The Good, Bad and Ugly

QR Codes - The Good, Bad and Ugly

From time to time, we still get requests from clients to use QR codes. In most cases, I consult against it. Here’s why.

QR codes are an interesting attempt to bridge the gap from physical media like business cards, brochures and posters to digital content...

Beware Fast Food Marketing

Beware Fast Food Marketing

It’s late. 7:30 p.m. Your day, which started at the office at 8:00 a.m., has been filled with stressful tasks and no shortage of fires to put out. As you shut off your desk light you realize you’re hungry.

Working through lunch seemed like a good idea at the time, but now, as you make your way out of the office and remember you've got to get to your kid's soccer game across town...